Graduate Verifications
Roadmaster Drivers School has simplified its graduate verification process. Our student graduation data is now linked with DriveriQ through its DriveriQ SingleCheck program, providing immediate on-line access to the Roadmaster graduate data you’re requesting.
Verification requests can be completed by following this link. A series of prompts will allow you to complete a sign-up form to gain immediate access to that verification data. Please note, if you have already signed up for SingleCheck for inquires to another Carrier/School, your same log in credentials can be used for Roadmaster graduate inquires.
After creating a new account, you will receive an email with a client code, username, and password.
We hope you’ll find this improved access, a positive new step in efficiency and workflow.
Student Records Request
Students requesting their records such as Graduation Certificate and Transcript must submit a Records Request Form via Adobe. All requested documents will be provided electronically unless otherwise requested. Please note that any emailed documents may contain redactions for privacy considerations.